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Your Dog is Your Mirror

Your Dog is Your Mirror: 

Have you ever been forced into a situation where you had to spend your day with a person that was impatient, negative, anxious, unsettled, quick tempered, insecure, stressed, or always worried? Can you imagine the difference you would feel if that person were positive, happy, calm, confident, and patient? Now imagine how your dog feels when confronted with the same two situations. Which person do you think he would follow? If your dog is exhibiting any behavioral issues, chances are you may want to take a good look in the mirror. If your dog seems uncomfortable, stressed, or agitated, this is his expression of the surroundings you have created for him. His expression is a direct reflection of what you are putting out. If there is any imbalance at all within yourself, be assured your dog will pick it up and take that leadership role into his own hands.

It’s no wonder my dogs exhibited separation anxiety, manic insecurity on the walk, and obscene barking at the chance meeting of a stranger. I was one of those people that was cripplingly shy, constantly worried about what others thought of me, and a perfect cynic. I was always looking at the dark side of things, with little hope for the world we live in. Why the heck would my dogs look to me for guidance! Once my mindset started to shift ever so slightly, through daily affirmation and massive focus on personal development, I regained the confidence needed to take charge of my life and surroundings. My dogs finally looked to me for guidance. 

So the next time you feel like your dog is just plain stupid and doesn’t want to listen, you may want to take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself if you would follow you.