PAWSitively Calm

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It's A Lifestyle, Not A Band-aid

Why would a trained dog not perform for his owner the way he did for me for the 2 weeks he was here?

Why would this same dog do fantastic right after his training, but a month or year later, backslide right back into the behaviors that brought him to me in the 1st place?

It’s purely your relationship with him and what you allow.

Tiny, little, incremental morsels of missed opportunities of correction that have stacked and compounded and have led your dog to seize the moment of ease.

Dogs are 100% self serving, opportunists and always seeking the path of least resistance. They have an uncanny skill at sniffing it out and will seize any opportunity they can to get what they want when not met with consequence.

These little moments stack up over time, and bingo, you’re right back where you were when you first sought help. Make sure your relationship remains binary until you see consistent good behavior all of the time, not just here or there.

Your rules need to be black and white. Gray creates confusion and eventual regression. Each and every behavioral infraction needs to be met with a consequence significant enough for your dog to take you seriously.